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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

4 Critical Steps in Preventing Commercial Water Damage

2/11/2019 (Permalink)

We’ve all been asked the question, “In a fire, what would you grab first?” For a homeowner, that’s an easy answer. Most of us would choose precious keepsakes, photos, and a few prized possessions. However, when disaster comes knocking on the door of a business, there can be dozens of critical documents, files, records, and technical equipment that are indispensable in the smooth flow of business operations. Each item has a specific function and importance. When commercial buildings undergo a natural disaster of any sort, it can be an intricate and complicated process to recover critical information. Commercial water damage is a huge blow and needs to be both prevented and prepared for. This article explores realistic and simple tips for commercial building owners to help them keep their business free from the destruction of water damage.

1. Conduct Regular Inspections

The components of a commercial building are diverse and complex. Unlike residential property, commercial buildings tend to have major external HVAC components, roofs decorated with an array of pipes and fans, and large utility rooms. This equipment can be intimidating for many. The best way to keep the harrowing weather outside is to hire a professional to conduct frequent and thorough inspections. Although the building may be in great condition four times out of five, the occasional adjustment or repair can save hundreds in water damage restoration costs.

3. Locate shut-off valves

Without peeking at an emergency plan, are team members in the building able to identify where major water shut-off valves are? If they aren’t easily accessible, does every employee know who in the building to contact in case of an unexpected water
overflow or pipe burst? In a high-stress situation, most individuals are only able to recall previously learned information rather than think on their feet. A few minutes to locate shut-off valves will ensure proper performance when it counts. SERVPRO offers a no-cost solution referred to as an Emergency Ready Profile to help aid in this measure.

4. Keep Valuable Stock Secure

Even with intensive preparation, water doesn’t pick favorites. Naturally, the last items you want to jeopardize are your business’s critical documents, paperwork, and brainstormed plans. This can be as extensive as purchasing a company safe or as simple as obtaining waterproof file cabinet that sits a few feet above the ground. If documents are damaged, SERVPRO offers a specialized document restoration process.

5. Have a Plan B

If your business undergoes extensive flooding, what temporary plans are in place? Ideally, each commercial building should have options for temporary office space and plans to inform clients of temporary changes in the case of severe water damage.
Additionally, it’d never be a poor use of time to electronically back up critical paperwork. By being prepared, businesses can quickly adapt to changes without experiencing the common hiccups associated with water damage. Commercial water damage restoration in shouldn’t be completed by a regular residential restoration company. With experience in restoring commercial buildings from the ground up, SERVPRO can be fully trusted to deliver quality results. Keep our number in your back pocket if your commercial building has undergone any degree of water damage...478-452-8000!

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